I am always looking for outstanding graduate students, post-docs and undergraduate researchers whose research interests are a good fit for my lab. Ultimately, my ability to take on new lab members is contingent on funding availability. If you are not responding to an advertised (already-funded) lab opening, I may be willing to work with you to secure funding if you have identified a topic/project of interest and/or prospective funding sources. I particularly welcome applications from people who would help promote diversity in my lab and the broader USU community.
Prospective graduate students, please send your inquiries via email and include a one-page statement of research interests, CV, GPA, and contact information for three references. Graduate students may receive degrees through either the Ecology Center or Department of Wildland Resources. Students must meet minimum admission requirements for the USU School of Graduate Studies, though most students greatly exceed those minimums. Options for USU undergraduates include honors theses, volunteering in my lab, work-study, and funding opportunities such as USU URCO or QCNR Undergraduate Research Grants. |